Setiap ubuntu yang telash kita oprek pastinya bisa kita backup dengan hasil file berupa .iso yang nantinya bisa kita install lagi lain waktu, ataupun di install pada PC lain.
Caranya ialah dengan menggunakan Remastersys, software ini dapat membantu kita untuk membuat sebuah file .iso yang mem-backup ubuntu kita yang telah dilakukan peng-oprekan tadi (bisa juga buat remastering)

Langsung saja cara install remastersys nya berikut langkah-langkahnya:

- Karena remastersys tidak ada di official repo maka perlu kita tambahkan sendiri, dengan cara:

Buka terminal, ketikan perintah berikut

$sudo su 
#wget -O - | apt-key add -
#sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Pada baris terakhir tambahkan perintah berikut
#Remastersys Precise
deb precise main
Setelah itu baru kita install Remastrsys-nya, ketikkan perintah berikut
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install remastersys remastersys-gui
Selesai.. Buka menu cari Remastersys, dan berikut screenshotnya

Akan terdapat 3 pilihan

Backup >> Membuat iso remaster beserta data pribadi anda, dan untuk keperluan backup.

Distribution >> Membuat iso remaster beserta aplikasi yang telah anda install tanpa meliputi data pribadi anda.

Customize >> Mengkonfigurasi file iso dahulu sesuai dengan keinginan anda.

Hasil remasteringnya terdapat di folder /home/remastersys,  biasanya bernama cust-dist.iso

File .iso ini bisa kita burn ke cd/dvd atau diflash ke flash disk (menggunakan UNetbootin atau Rufus)
dan juga bisa diinstall untuk PC lain.

Good Luck ;) 

. . .

How to fix that problem??

  1. Put your Windows Vista or Windows 7 installation disc
  2. Boot from the disc
  3. Choose Repair your Computer
  4. Click the operating system that you want to repair, and then click Next.
  5. In the System Recovery Options dialog box, click Command Prompt.
  6. (On the CMD) First, type this: bootrec.exe /fixboot
  7. Second, type this: bootrec.exe /fixmbr
  8. Then restart your PC (don't forget to eject the disc)
Good Luck ;)

You can also try the following instructions from Microsoft

To run the Bootrec.exe tool, you must start Windows RE. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Put the Windows Vista or Windows 7 installation disc in the disc drive, and then start the computer.
  2. Press a key when you are prompted.
  3. Select a language, a time, a currency, a keyboard or an input method, and then click Next.
  4. Click Repair your computer.
  5. Click the operating system that you want to repair, and then click Next.
  6. In the System Recovery Options dialog box, click Command Prompt.
  7. Type Bootrec.exe, and then press ENTER.

Note To start the computer from the Windows Vista or Windows 7 DVD, the computer must be configured to start from the DVD drive. For more information about how to configure the computer to start from the DVD drive, see the documentation that is included with the computer or contact the computer manufacturer.

Bootrec.exe options
The Bootrec.exe tool supports the following options. Use the option that is appropriate for your situation.

Note Use the Bootrec.exe tool to troubleshoot "Bootmgr Is Missing" issue. If rebuilding the BCD does not resolve the startup issue, you can export and delete the BCD, and then run this option again. By doing this, you make sure that the BCD is completely rebuilt.

To do this, type the following commands at the Windows RE command prompt:
  • bcdedit /export C:\BCD_Backup
  • c:
  • cd boot
  • attrib bcd -s -h -r
  • ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old
  • bootrec /RebuildBcd


The /FixMbr option writes a Windows 7 or Windows Vista-compatible MBR to the system partition. This option does not overwrite the existing partition table. Use this option when you must resolve MBR corruption issues, or when you have to remove nonstandard code from the MBR.


The /FixBoot option writes a new boot sector to the system partition by using a boot sector that is compatible with Windows Vista or Windows 7. Use this option if one of the following conditions is true:
  • The boot sector was replaced with a nonstandard Windows Vista or Windows 7 boot sector.
  • The boot sector is damaged.
  • An earlier Windows operating system was installed after Windows Vista or Windows 7 was installed. In this scenario, the computer starts by using Windows NT Loader (NTLDR) instead of Windows Boot Manager (Bootmgr.exe).


The /ScanOs option scans all disks for installations that are compatible with Windows Vista or Windows 7. Additionally, this option displays the entries that are currently not in the BCD store. Use this option when there are Windows Vista or Windows 7 installations that the Boot Manager menu does not list.


The /RebuildBcd option scans all disks for installations that are compatible with Windows Vista or Windows 7. Additionally, this option lets you select the installations that you want to add to the BCD store. Use this option when you must completely rebuild the BCD. WAZOO

Usually this error means that you could have been changing between different languages (locales) and something has caused this to error erroneously.
You could try regenerating your list of locales with
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
For me the result was:
Generating locales...
  en_AG.UTF-8... done
  en_AU.UTF-8... done
  en_BW.UTF-8... done
  en_CA.UTF-8... done
  en_DK.UTF-8... done
  en_GB.UTF-8... done
  en_HK.UTF-8... done
  en_IE.UTF-8... done
  en_IN.UTF-8... done
  en_NG.UTF-8... done
  en_NZ.UTF-8... done
  en_PH.UTF-8... done
  en_SG.UTF-8... done
  en_US.UTF-8... up-to-date
  en_ZA.UTF-8... done
  en_ZM.UTF-8... done
  en_ZW.UTF-8... done
Generation complete.
Then resetting your local locale with:
sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
i.e. use one of the Locale values in the output above
. . .

Hello, at this time I want to share about how to install an Android OS on any computer/notebooks..
This is easy tutorial and you worth to try :D
This is called "Live Android" ,, you can find it here

Okay, lets begin!!

Download & Boot

liveandroid v0.1
1.       Download liveandroidv0.1.iso directly from rapidshare
2.     use androidv0.1.iso in vmware or virtualbox to your taste. of cource, you can burn it as a LiveCD.
3.     boot and enjoy!

liveandroid v0.2
            LIVE CD
also use command COPY /B liveandroidv0.2.iso.001 + liveandroidv0.2.iso.002 liveandroidv0.2.iso

for linux, cat liveandroidv0.2.iso.001 liveandroidv0.2.iso.002 > liveandroidv0.2.iso

“ liveandroidv0.2.iso MD5: 03852bce8cb26aba21d147153c1fb120 “

3.     Use liveandroidv0.2.iso in vmware or virtualbox to your taste. of cource, you can burn it as a LiveCD.

4.     Boot and enjoy!

then for windows, use HJSplit to join it.
also use command COPY /B liveandroidv0.2usb.iso.001 + liveandroidv0.2usb.iso.002 liveandroidv0.2usb.iso

for linux, cat liveandroidv0.2usb.iso.001 liveandroidv0.2usb.iso.002 > liveandroidv0.2usb.iso

“ liveandroidv0.2usb.iso MD5: 15e39e524e15a407185ade97ba648df6 “

3.     Use liveandroidv0.2usb.iso in vmware or virtualbox to your taste. of cource, you can use UNetbootin( to make it as a LiveUSB.

4.     Boot and enjoy!

liveandroid v0.3
then for windows, use HJSplit to join it.
also use command COPY /B liveandroidv0.3.iso.001 + liveandroidv0.3.iso.002 liveandroidv0.3.iso

for linux, cat liveandroidv0.3.iso.001 liveandroidv0.3.iso.002 > liveandroidv0.3.iso

“ liveandroidv0.3.iso MD5:  e0c5c305f78cd958dbaea3716c82296f “

3.     Use liveandroidv0.2usb.iso in vmware or virtualbox to your taste. of cource, you can use UNetbootin( to make it as a LiveUSB.

4.     Boot and enjoy!

·         use alt+F1 or alt+F7 to switch GUI and console.
·         busybox added, you can do everything in console.
·         play with HOME Key and MENU key 

liveandroidv0.2.iso support DHCP, if you want to configure in console, press alt+F1, then

ifconfig eth0 yourip netmask yourip's mask
e.g. ifconfig eth0 netmask

route add default gw yourgateway dev eth0
e.g. route add default gw dev eth0

setprop net.eth0.dns1 yourDNS
e.g. setprop net.eth0.dns1

Enjoy your Android PC ;)